Each year there are many words added to the Oxford English Dictionary which pop up in every day work related circumstances to challenge our understanding of what the heck is actually going on!
Here are some which have come up over the last year or so for me with official meanings! Hope you enjoy them.
carbon credit (noun) - Permit allowing a certain amount of carbon dioxide emissions.
automagically (adverb) - Automatically in a way that seems magical.
carbon offsetting (noun) - Counteraction of CO2 emissions with a corresponding reduction.
catastrophize (verb) - To present a situation as worse than it is.
cheeseball (noun) - Lacking taste or style.
chillax (verb) - To calm down and relax.
buzzkill (noun) - Person or thing that has a depressing effect.
cool hunter (noun) - One who predicts new styles and trends.
side hustle (noun) - A part-time job or occupation undertaken in addition to one's main job in order to earn extra income.
flash mob (noun) - Brief gathering for a common purpose, announced by e-mail or text.
green audit (noun) - Analysis of a business' environmental impact.
green-collar (adjective) - Relating to workers in the environmentalist business sector.
hater (noun) - Negative person.
homeshoring (verb) - Moving jobs to employees' homes (from "offshoring").
quiet quitting (verb) - The practice of doing no more work than one is contractually obliged to do.
crowdfunding (verb) - Funding by asking for contributions from a large number of people, especially from the online community.
locavore (noun) - One who primarily eats locally grown food.
finfluencer (noun) - Specific type of influencer who focuses on money-related topics.
meme (noun) - Image, video or phrase passed electronically on the Internet.
microblogging (verb) - To post very short entries on a blog.
own (verb) - To utterly defeat or humiliate.
paywall (noun) - Arrangement whereby website access is restricted to paying users only.
pimp (verb) - To make something more showy or impressive.
rock (verb) - To do something in a confident, flamboyant way.
sheeple (noun) - Unquestioning followers.
Metaverse (noun) - A virtual reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.
soft skills (noun) - Attributes that enable someone to interact harmoniously with others.
staycation (noun) - Vacation spent at home.
humpday (noun) – Wednesday – regarded as the middle day in the working week.
hangry (adjective) - Angry because of hunger.